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General Policies

1 Ethic and Code of Professional Conduct 职业操守

As each of the hired employee represents a member of Sakae Holdings Limited, all employees are expected to behave themselves at all times in the best interest of the Company.  No employee may conduct him/herself to bring the Company into disrepute or speak despairingly of the Company.


2 Grooming and Hygiene Standards 服装仪容和卫生标准

All employees have to observe the grooming standards set forth by the Company; particularly observing clean personal habits and professionalism at all times. All service employees have to look presentable and well-groomed in order to serve the customers. All kitchen employees must put on their masks at all times during work. All unhygienic behaviours, e.g. digging of nose, ears, etc. are also not be tolerated. Details of the grooming standards can be found in the Appendix of the handbook.


3 Workplace Safety and Health 工作场所安全与健康

According to the Workplace Safety And Health Act, any employee must:

  • Follow the safe working procedures and principles introduced at the workplace

  • Not engage in any unsafe and/or negligent act that may endanger him/herself or others working around them

  • Use any personal protective equipment, devices, equipment or other means provided to secure employee’s safety, health and welfare while working in proper manner – Do not tamper or misuse such items provided


  • 按照公司所推出的安全工作程序和原则

  • 不从事任何 可能危及自己或他人的不安全和/或疏忽行为

  • 如工作需要:使用个人防护装备,设备或公司为了确保员工安全,健康和福利而提供的安全设备 – 但员工不可随意滥用这些受提供的设备


4 Phone Call Etiquette 手机通话礼仪

All employees are expected to pick up any Company’s phone calls by the third ring. Employees have to introduce him/herself and maintain politeness over the phone.


5 Use of Personal and/or Company’s Electronic Devices  使用个人和/或公司的电子设备

Unless required, no personal telephone calls should be made during working hours. Employees are also not allowed to carry any communication device while at work. In case of emergency, friends / relatives of employee should contact the employee through the restaurant outlet contacts. Also, employees are not allowed to play on the electronic devices mend for operation uses during business hours at the restaurant outlet. Unauthorized usage of such devices will result in confiscation of the electronic device(s) and disciplinary action will be taken against the employee. 


6 Attendance / Punctuality 值班/守时

All employees must observe punctuality at work, i.e. reporting earlier than or on time for work schedule shift. Employees have to change into their uniform before reporting for work. Hence it is essential for employees to report early in order to change out. Recurring lateness will be subjected to disciplinary action.


7 Clocking via Biometric System 时间系统

All employees are required to clock in and out dutifully via the biometric system in order to capture the clocking data of which an employee (1) reports for work, (2) leaves for break, (3) comes back from break and (4) leaves the workplace after his/her shift.

Each employee MUST observe at least 4 clocking data per workday. The data will be used to determine the employee’s attendance, punctuality and the total work hours for salary computation. Employees who have any incomplete entries or fail to clock in/out in the biometric system shall not be paid for the day worked. An employee CANNOT clock in and out on behalf of another. Employees found guilty of which would be strictly penalized.

所有员工都得在时间系统输入工作时间,其中包括(1)上班时间,(2)休息时间,(3)休息归来的时间,(4)下班时间。因此,员工的每个工作日必须至少有4个时钟数据。这些数据将被用于确定员工出勤,守时和总工作时间的工资计算。如员工拥有任何不完整的条目或无时间数据, 当天的工资将不会被计算。员工不能代表他人输入工作时间。如违反,员工将受到严重纪律处分。

8 Absence without Leave 无原因缺席

Employees must inform the Manager of their movement if they need to leave the restaurant during working hours for any purposes. Absence without valid reason/consent from the Manager may be considered AWOL. The Company takes serious view on such occurrence, and will take disciplinary action against the employee. Employees are to inform the Manager as soon as possible if they need to make a move from / unable to report for his/her planned work schedule for the day. An employee who is absent from work for more than two (2) consecutive workdays without prior leave / reasonable excuse or informing / attempt to inform the immediate superior shall be taken as termination of contract of service with Sakae Holdings Limited. The employee will thus have to pay an amount equivalent to the notice period to the Company as salary-in-lieu of notice. The Company reserves the right to demand for the payment from the employee or deduct from the latest salary of the employee in order to collect the notice pay.


9 Malingering 装病

The Company defines malingering as a form of misconduct, which describes an employee feigning sickness or injury, especially to avoid duty, work, etc., or to obtain any form of workmen compensation.Should the employee require a break from work and duty, proper legitimate leave shall be taken instead of malingering. Employees found guilty of any malingering occurrences will be subjected to disciplinary actions.


10 Disruption of Work 工作中断

Employee should not willfully slow down or disrupt work activities or instigate others to do so at any time during his/her employment with the Company. Such behaviour will result in the dismissal of the employee.


11 Smoking 抽烟

Smoking is strictly prohibited in the restaurant premises. Apart from the specified 45-min break time, an employee is not allowed to go for smoking breaks during official operation hours.


12 Alcohol Consumption 饮酒

Employees are strictly not allowed to consume alcohol / food and beverages with alcohol content during working hours.           


13 Consumption of Company’s Food and Beverages Items 公司的食品和饮料

Employees are not allowed to cook for him/herself using the Company’s food ingredients and/or at the Company’s premises.

Employees, including Managers, must not consume the Company’s food without the approval of the Company. To avoid unnecessary misunderstanding or conflict of interest, an employee is not allowed to order food and beverages, and/or dine-in in the same restaurant outlet(s) that he/she is working during his/her workdays and off days. Employee will be penalised accordingly should he/she violates this policy.


14 Random Spot Check 突击抽查

The Company reserves the right to perform any spot check(s) on the employees and their lockers at any point in time. With respect to the privacy of all employees, such checks will only be performed on legitimate basis e.g. when employees or customers reported loss of items / whistle blowers reported theft incidents in the restaurant outlets, etc. Any personnel found guilty of criminal offences will be handed over to the police immediately.


15 Gambling 赌博

In order to foster a healthy environment for employees who could be in danger of developing gambling problems (huge debts, family breakups, criminal activity, depression, and even suicide, etc.) or are recovering from gambling addictions, gambling is strictly prohibited in the restaurant premises: (1) at all places during work hours — including breaks, and (2) on company premises at all times. In general, employees are not allowed to gamble while at work, and should never gamble on the company properties.

To define, gambling is the wagering of money or other possessions deemed valuable on the outcome of events. This includes, but is not limited to, card and dice games, table games, sport pools/betting, lotteries (4D, TOTO, sweepstakes, etc.), social betting, and online internet gambling, etc. Violation of this policy can result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate dismissal. To protect the foreign employees who may be subjected to the ills of gambling, the Company reserves the right to apply for exclusion from local casino premises during work pass application. Should employee is observed to have a gambling problem, the HR Department will take action immediately.

为了营造一个良好的工作环境,本公司严禁任何赌博活动, 禁止包括:(1)在工作时间(包括休息时间),和(2)和任何工作场所。员工不准赌博也不可利用任何公司所拥的资产作为赌注。本公司将视赌博为以下的定义:任何金钱或其他财物的投注。这包括,但不限于,卡和骰子类游戏,桌面游戏,运动/博彩,彩票(4D,TOTO,抽奖等),社交博彩和线网络赌博等。违反者将获得纪律处分,甚至包括立即解雇。为了避免外籍员工可能会受到赌博的诱惑,本公司保持为员工设令赌场禁令的权利。员工被若察觉拥有赌博问题,人事部将立即采取行动。

16 Lending or Loaning of Money 贷款或货币垫资

Offering or agreeing to lend any sum of money to employees or making any loans from employees are strongly prohibited in the Company. All such transactions will be deemed as personal matters. The Company will not be responsible or intervene for any personal disputes arise from which. The employee is expected to take responsibility of his/her commitment. Should an employee require any financial assistance, he/she may consult the HR Department or legitimate social services for support.


17 Harassment / Sexual Harassment 骚扰/性骚扰

The Company is committed to provide a work environment that is free of discrimination and lawful harassment.  Actions, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. If an employee believe he/she has been the victim of harassment, or know of another employee who has, the employee has to report it immediately to the Manager or the HR Department. Employees may, at any time, raise valid concerns and make reports against the harasser without the fear of reprisal. Employees can trust the Company that all reported harassment incidents will be dealt with confidentially. Should any complaint/report is made in the case of sexual harassment, the accused will be handed over to the police as the Company deems sexual harassment as a serious criminal offence which cannot be tolerated.



18 Bullying / Abusive Behavior 欺负和侮辱性的行为

The Company will not tolerate any acts of bullying and abuse verbally and non-verbally. This includes the use of any form of abusive / offensive / vulgar language towards others in the Company, i.e. unfavorable use of names to address colleagues, disrespectful comments, or deliberating spreading harmful rumors of other working colleagues. Aggressive and abusive conduct, that demands or engages in hostility, use of violence or coercion on others at the workplace, is also not tolerated. Employee who is found to guilty of such abusive behavior or bullying acts will be subjected to disciplinary action.


19 Insubordination 违抗/不服從上司命令

The hierarchical chain of command must be followed at all times. Unbecoming behavior such as willful misconduct or constant refusal to obey superior’s orders (i.e. refuse to accept job assignments / any reasonable instructions, or challenging any established authority) will be deemed as insubordination. Such intolerable act shall subject an employee to disciplinary action.

员工必须遵守领导层次。不得体的行为,如拒绝服从上级指令, 在无何合理说明的前提下拒绝接受工作任务,或挑战任何权威,一律将被视为不服从。公司将对违例的员工进行纪律处分。

20 Usage of Illegal Software Covenant 非法软件盟约

With the commencement of US Singapore FTA agreement since 1 Jan 2005, it is a statutory criminal acts to use illegal software. It is a chargeable offence that could result in a fine and jail term .The owner of the workstation will also be implicated. Following, all usage of illegal software, for personal or work purposes, on the Company’s computer system(s) is strictly prohibited. All software installed are to be legally licensed. All employees, upon signing their contract of service, have agreed NOT to use or download any illegal software using the Company’s desktop computer, laptop or other electronics devices provided. An employee found guilty of doing so will be penalized accordingly.


21 Confidentiality and Non-Competition Covenants 保密和非竞争盟约


In consideration of employment by Sakae Holdings Limited, employees are not allowed to divulge any confidential information, know-hows, trade secrets, intellectual properties relating to the business affairs of Sakae Holdings Limited, its group of companies, subsidiaries, and/or associated or affiliated companies during the term of employment or after the term of employment.


Confidential information shall be defined as all information about the Company and its customers, customer prospects, vendors/suppliers, employees that is not generally known to the public, which employee will learn of in connection with the employment with Sakae Holdings Limited. Confidential information may include, without limitation, disclosure made by the Company through written document, internal circulations, communicated messages to which would appear to a reasonable person to be confidential, or that contains or bears thereon, or is accompanied by, a written statement that the same is confidential.

Upon signing the contract of service with the Company,

  1. Employees acknowledge that they do not have the right to reproduce, edit, make copies of, change, access or otherwise use any materials (which shall include all patentable and non-patentable inventions, discoveries, improvements, processes, copyright marks and designs) or any part of the customer database created or owned by Sakae Holdings Limited, or its group of companies, subsidiaries, and/or associated or affiliated companies either during the term of employment or any time after the term of employment except with approval of Sakae Holdings Limited. 

  2. Employees undertake not to sell or otherwise pass on any of these materials or any part of the customer database to any third party without the written approval of Sakae Holdings Limited either during the term of employment or any time after the term of employment.

  3. Employees further agree that he/she will undertake not to work or to be employed directly or indirectly on behalf of any firm engaged in a business or service substantially similar, which competes against Sakae Holdings Limited and likewise own, manage or operate a business or service similar or substantially similar which competes against Sakae Holdings Limited or its related companies.

These confidentiality and non-competition covenants shall remain in full force and effect for twelve (12) months from the date the employee ceases his/her employment Sakae Holdings Limited.




  1. 员工同意在未经过容许的情况下可不复制,编辑,翻造,更改或以其他方式使用任何属于荣控股有限公司或其附属公司的各种资料(包括所有可授予专利和非专利的发明,改进,程序,版权标志和外观设计的权利)。

  2. 员工同意在雇用期间,解除雇用合约后和在未经过公司书信容许的前提下,不准出售或以其他方式分发任何相关资料或客户数据库给第三者。

  3. 员工进一步同意,他/她将不接受任何相同的工作或直接或间接在其他和本公司拥有相同业务与竞争的公司工作。

这项保密和非竞争契约将直效于员工辞职当日至十二 (12) 个月后为限期。  

22 Gifts and Gratitude 礼品及奖励

a) Demanding or Accepting Gifts / Gratitude in Connections with the Company’s Business索取或接受相关人士的礼品/奖励

No one shall solicit or accept any gift or gratitude, whether in the form of money, goods, free trips or other forms of personal gains from any of the Company’s business partners (existing or potential customers, suppliers, contractors or any business associates) who may or do either directly or indirectly conduct business with the Company in providing materials, goods or services.  This is a chargeable offence under the Criminal Breach of Trust Act. 


b) Declaration of Gifts and Gratitude声明和报销任何礼品和奖励

In principal, an employee should not accept gift or gratitude and should do their best ability return the gift to the donor (under no circumstances can cash be accepted). In practice, when an employee is unable to refuse a gift, because it is not practical or it is discourteous to do so, it is the employee’s responsibility to declare immediately the gift received and seeks clearance for retaining the gift. All gifts (except mementoes / souvenirs that have no commercial values such as diaries, calendar, memo pads ties or pen with company logo/names etc.) should be declared with an estimated value.  Declaration of gift shall be made to the HR Department for decision on the treatment of the gifts (either to be retain by the Company, or allocated to the recipients or to the Charity).

原则上,员工不应接受礼品或奖励。员工应尽全力把获得的礼品或奖励还给捐赠者(在任何情况员工不可接受现金)。当员工在无法拒绝礼品或奖励的情况下 (不实际,或者是不礼貌)员工有责任立即向公司报销收到的礼物,并寻求容许收下礼品的决定。所有礼品(除了纪念品/不具有商业价值,如日记,日历, 和印有公司标志/名称等纪念品)应与估计值进行报销。员工必须向人事部报销任何礼品并由人事部决定对礼品的处理(无论是由本公司保留,或者分配给接收者或捐赠给慈善机构等)。

23 Employee Discipline and Disciplinary Action 员工纪律和纪律处分


In the event that an employee breaches the code of conduct or fails to meet the established standards of procedure and guidelines set by the Company, disciplinary action will be taken. The employee’s immediate superior, in consultation with the Management and the HR Department, will assess the offence and recommend any disciplinary action. Important Note: The restaurant managers may make recommendations for dismissal or termination of employees, however the final decision will be made by the HR Department.



24 Disciplinary Procedure 纪律处分程序

The Company administers discipline using a fair and progressive approach, taking into the needs and rights of employee to be heard and to understand fully the actions that affect him/her.The approach is as follows: 


​a) Verbal warning with counseling警告和辅导

In the event of disciplinary breaches, the immediate supervisor usually gives a verbal warning. The purpose is to bring the employee’s attention to the unacceptable situation or problem in order to correct the employee’s shortcomings.However, if the employee fails to improve, his/her superior may consider further action.



b) Written warning with counseling书信警告和辅导

If an employee fails to improve his/her performance within a reasonable time period after verbal warning(s) are given, a written warning letter may be issued. The written warning letter will be issued by the HR Department and will be kept in the employee’s personal file.


c) Suspension停职

After an employee has been given every opportunity to correct himself/herself and has received a written warning, should there still be no change in performance or attitude, a due inquiry will take place. During the inquiry, a suspension from work without payment of salary, for a period not exceeding one week, may be take place.



d) Termination / Dismissal解雇

If the employee still does not show improvement in his/her attitude or work performance, the company reserves the right to terminate his/her contract of service. On the other hand, if the employee is found guilty of misconduct after the inquiry and suspension, the employee may be dismissed after the proper notice has been given.


25 Gross Misconduct 严重违犯公司条例

An employee is liable for immediate suspension or dismissal without progressive disciplinary procedure in the event that he/she commits a serious misconduct. The following are examples of gross misconduct and in no way exhaustive:

员工若严重违犯公司条例将在无逐渐性的状况下立即被停职或被解雇。以下的例子,但不限于, 被公司例为严重违犯公司条例:


  • Theft or fraud偷窃或欺诈

  • Embezzlement贪污/滥用公款

  • Gambling赌博

  • Smoking吸烟

  • Malingering装病

  • Gross insubordination违抗/不服從上司命令

  • Clocking time card / biometrics for another employee (if applicable) 代替其他员工登陆工作时间系统或打卡

  • Misrepresentation to obtain employment 为聘用机会而欺骗公司

  • Deliberate destruction of company property蓄意破坏公司物品

  • Disclosure of company confidential information or secrets泄露公司机密或资料

  • Fighting or intimation including provoking or instigating a fight or assault肢体冲突或挑衅/煽动导致肢体冲突

  • Possession of illegal drugs / items or working under influence of drugs or alcohol藏有毒品/或工作时使用毒品或酒精

  • Any other activities / actions undertaken by employee detrimental to the interest of the Company任何其他被视为对公司或其他员工的利益有损害的活动/行为


26 Employee Grievances and Guidelines 工倾诉

The Company recognizes the importance of full discussion in resolving any misunderstandings, dissatisfaction or difficulties employees face at work, as it helps to maintain a harmonious relationship between employees and the Management.  

An employee who wishes to raise any workplace grievance (i.e. complaints, issues, problems, etc. encountered at work) shall bring the matter to the attention of his/her immediate superior.In the event that the employee feels that the grievance has not been adequately considered or resolved, he/she may refer the matter to the Manager. The immediate supervisor / Manager may schedule a meeting with the concerned employee(s) to discuss the grievance with the representative from the HR Department.  

During the meeting, it will be a fact-finding session to understand the grievance case in order to derive a mutually acceptable solution for the aggrieved and the Company.  A thorough investigation will also be conducted to maintain fairness and justice for the aggrieved. All grievance information will be kept confidential. Employees involved are not allowed to share related information with any third party.


27 Employee Suggestion Scheme 员工建议计划

The Employee Suggestion Scheme is set up to allow employees to provide constructive ideas and solutions to enhance the Company’s business and work environment, or participate in the Management’s decision-making process. Over time, this aims to help employees cultivate a sense of belonging and pride at work. Interested employee may submit his/her suggestions to the HR Department in writing or via email. Ideas will be consolidated for evaluation and approval every quarterly. Employees may also volunteer to assist in the implementation of the approved and selected feasible suggestions.


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